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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The Quality-Value-Satisfaction- Loyalty Chain in B2B: an empirical approach to Spanish Travel Agency Sector

Published: May 27, 2020


Juan Granados, University of Cordoba; Leonor Pérez, Universidad de Córdoba; José A. Pedraza-Rodríguez, Universidad de Córdoba; Martina Gallarza, University of Valencia


Quality-Value-Satisfaction-Loyalty chain; Travel-Agencies; B2B


Looking at bridging B2C and B2B literature on Customer Value, this paper studies the chain between Quality, Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty by adding Trust and Commitment mediating variables to the well-known B2C approach. The aim is to clarify the relationships between Travel Agencies and their corporate or B2B clients in the absence of works in this field. The empirical work replicates a structure of relationships tested for B2C agencies, in a sample of 51 managers assessing their relationship with main Travel Agent in Spain. PLS SEM analyses indicate that the classic chain is altered in its final links in B2B environments. Satisfaction has no direct effect on Loyalty, but indirectly because Commitment mediates the relationship. Results point out to another alternative chain of effects between Value and Loyalty through Trust and Commitment, highlighting the possibilities of cross-fertilization between the B2C and B2B approaches in the empirical study of Travel Agencies.